Reduced speed limit Chestnut Street
Borden Parish Council
Kent County Council gives notice that for the safety of the public and workforce during roadworks, a temporary mandatory speed limit of 30 MPH will be imposed on a section of Chestnut Street and Maidstone Road, Borden.
The 30 MPH applies in both directions on Chestnut Street and Maidstone Road, Borden between the junctions of Key Street roundabout and Stockbury roundabout, to the extent indicated by signage clearly displayed on site.
This takes effect on 2nd September 2020 for up to 8 days. The restrictions will be lifted as soon as works are completed, and it is safe to do so.
These works are in conjunction with a suspension of the 6’ 6” width restriction on Chestnut Street, Borden.
The restrictions have been introduced for the safety of the public and workforce on the diversion route whilst barrier works are being carried out by FM Conway.
This Notice applies when the relevant signs and barriers are on site and is valid for a period of no more than 21 days.
Signed for and on behalf of the Kent County Council, Simon Jones, Director of Highways Transportation & Waste, or by his authorised signatory.
Authorised Signatory
Dated this 1st day of September 2020ent County Council, County Hall, Maidstone, ME14 1XQ
Contact Information
Parish Clerk
- 07821 664737
Find Borden Parish Council
Borden, Sittingbourne, Kent